Sunday 3 April 2016

Week Twelve

1) Identify what you personally have completed since last week

      Towards the end of this past week is when I finally heard back from the EMA Logistics and Planning team leader on the font that she wants used for the penguin banner, however I ended up receiving her email right after I had sent her a new version with a different approved font from the Art Direction team, so now I’m waiting to see if the latest version with the approved font is acceptable. I’ve also begun working on the penguin banner for the Sponsorship team, although it seems that almost every day the conference acquires more sponsors, resulting in the need to add more logos to the banner and rearrange the spacing of the logos that I’ve already placed, so things are moving a bit slowly.

2) How you accomplished those tasks including any resources you used such as tutorials, meeting with group members, meeting with other groups, books, etc.

      The resources I used for this week were meeting up in person with the rest of the graphic designers, as well as continuing to communicate with each of them through email, Facebook and text messages. I also used Facebook and email to communicate with both the EMA Logistics and Planning team leader and the Sponsorship team leader. Furthermore, I used the Adobe design programs InDesign, Illustrator and Photoshop when creating the projects.

3) What your team has accomplished in the last week

      We haven’t accomplished anything as a team as we’re still working on our own project requests individually.

4) The biggest difficulty in the last week

      One of the biggest difficulties in the last week was (and still is) rearranging the penguin banner every time I receive a new logo, which happens almost daily. The other difficulty was the aforementioned font fiasco that began last week and has continued well into this week.

5) What you personally aim to achieve before next week

Before next week I would like to have the EMA penguin banner font figured out so that it can be sent to the printer, along with the signs (shown below) that have been approved and ready to go for quite a while. I would also like to have the Sponsorship banner close to finalized, however I doubt that will happen with the way things have been going.

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