Monday 7 March 2016

Week Eight

1) Identify what you personally have completed since last week

      Since last week I have begun, and almost completely finished, compiling the second banner for the marketing and promotions team, however I am still waiting for the host and speakers to be announced before I add their names and pictures into the designated areas on the sign.

2) How you accomplished those tasks including any resources you used such as tutorials, meeting with group members, meeting with other groups, books, etc.

      The resources that I used for this week were Facebook and email, for communication purposes, along with the Adobe design programs InDesign, Illustrator and Photoshop to create the banner.

3) What your team has accomplished in the last week

      As I’ve mentioned in many of my previous blog posts, each of the graphic designers is working on their own project requests individually so we haven’t accomplished anything as a team other than keeping each other updated on our progress through email and Facebook.

4) The biggest difficulty in the last week

      The biggest difficulty for this week was waiting as patiently as possible to receive the information that I need to finalize the banner.

5) What you personally aim to achieve before next week

Hopefully before next week the host and speakers will be announced so that I can finish the banner and accept another project request, if there are any available.

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