Sunday 31 January 2016

Week Three

1) Identify what you personally have completed since last week

This week I have continued to communicate with the rest of my team, both online through Facebook, as well as in person. Though we haven’t received very many project requests just yet, the sponsorship team has asked us to create a sponsorship package for them and I have agreed to be the one to work on this task. Aside from the fact that the team needs this document created by the graphic design team, they haven’t given us any information on what they would like the final product to look like, when they need it completed by or any of the content that needs to be included, so I haven’t been able to start assembling it just yet. All I really know at the moment is that this package is going to need to be created in InDesign, so until I receive the information I need, I’m going to continue sharpening my design skills, specifically dedicating most of my time to working with InDesign.

2) How you accomplished those tasks including any resources you used such as tutorials, meeting with group members, meeting with other groups, books, etc.

         As a team, similarly to the past couple of weeks, the most necessary resource was meeting up in person both with the other graphic designers, as well as with members from other teams (particularly the art direction group), to discuss what needs to be done. In addition, Facebook was another resource that was used for communication amongst the graphic design team members. Furthermore, I’ve also personally continued to use the Adobe design programs as a resource for enhancing my design skills.

3) What your team has accomplished in the last week

During the time that we met up in person, we decided to have a few brief meetings with members from other groups. First we met up with the social media team where Kirk discussed what he is going to be requiring from us and we unanimously decided that it would be best for one graphic designer to create all the social media graphics; Adam volunteered himself for this position. After we finished talking with Kirk, we met up with the art direction team where we all gave our input on the colour palettes that they had come up with. Once the colour palette was finalized, we were able to start talking about the different projects that we need to work on. As a group we decided that the first thing that needs to be created is the logo, as it is going to be included in most, if not all, of the work we produce, so Alex decided to take this job. From there we delegated the requested tasks that we have received, however we decided that it would be best to wait for the logo to be created and approved before we start producing any other work.

4) The biggest difficulty in the last week

     The biggest difficulty this week was, unsurprisingly, the lack of communication. I tried a few different times to get the information that I need, along with the approved logo, however I haven’t received anything just yet and am therefore still waiting to start working on my assigned task. I’ve never been a fan of procrastinating and always like to ensure I give myself plenty of time to do just about anything, so I find trying to wait patiently for communication from others before I can start my work somewhat frustrating.

5) What you personally aim to achieve before next week

Ideally, I would like to have the sponsorship package done before next week, however as I do not know when I will be receiving the logo or the information I need to create it, there’s a possibility that this may not be realistic. If I am not able to fully complete the package before next week, I hope to at least begin assembling it and aim to have as much done as I possibly can.

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