Sunday 17 January 2016

Week One

1)    Identify what you personally have completed since last week

During this past week I met up with the other graphic designers on my team and we spent our time as a group brainstorming and trying to plan out the upcoming semester. On top of meeting up and communicating with my group members I also worked on a few possible layout designs for our semester plan.

2)    How you accomplished those tasks including any resources you used such as tutorials, meeting with group members, meeting with other groups, books, etc.

I found the most necessary resource for this week was meeting up with the rest of the graphic design team. Getting together in person gave us the best opportunity to communicate our thoughts and ideas about the upcoming semester to compile a unanimous semester plan. Additional resources that I personally used were Adobe programs, such as Photoshop and InDesign, to create layouts for the semester plan.

3)    What your team has accomplished in the last week

During our meeting we collectively had a number of discussions revolving around what we anticipate the semester is going to be like for us as graphic designers. Topics of these discussions included an overall description of our graphic design group and our project scope, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of individual members, the main functions we will be performing (including a list of deliverables and a rough timeline), how we think each deliverable should be evaluated and how we plan on interacting and working with other groups.

4)    The biggest difficulty in the last week

Although I wouldn’t say it was too difficult, I did find trying to predict and plan out what the semester will be like for us a bit tricky. I think one of the toughest parts was trying to come up with a timeline since many projects will be given to us through the request of other groups throughout the semester. Furthermore, trying to determine parts of the ‘Interaction With Other Groups’ section such as when we need to receive content from other groups in order to complete tasks and when we need to deliver content to other groups was also a little tough for similar reasons. I think certain things (like dates and timelines) will have to be determined on a case-by-case basis, as it’s likely that the time required to produce each individual project will vary.

5)    What you personally aim to achieve before next week

I intend to combine my skills with those of the other graphic designers on my team to create a visually appealing, well-written semester plan. 

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